Results for 'B. S. A. Kay'

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  1.  24
    Mathematische Naturphilosophie in der Grundlagendiskussion – Eine Studie über das Verhältnis von Jakob Friedrich Fries’ kritischer Philosophie zu Naturwissenschaft und Mathematik.Kay Herrmann - 2000 - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Jakob Friedrich Fries is one of the most important representatives of the Critical Philosophy, someone who built immediately on the original Kantian philosophy. -/- Fries was born in 1773 in Barby (on the Elbe). In 1805 he was extraordinary professor for philosophy in Jena and in the same year was ordinary professor for philosophy in Heidelberg. Returning to Jena in 1816, one year later he was compulsorily retired because of his participation at the nationalistic and republican Wartburg Festival. In 1924 (...)
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    Normal subgroups of nonstandard symmetric and alternating groups.John Allsup & Richard Kaye - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (2):107-121.
    Let ${\mathfrak{M}}$ be a nonstandard model of Peano Arithmetic with domain M and let ${n \in M}$ be nonstandard. We study the symmetric and alternating groups S n and A n of permutations of the set ${\{0,1,\ldots,n-1\}}$ internal to ${\mathfrak{M}}$ , and classify all their normal subgroups, identifying many externally defined such normal subgroups in the process. We provide evidence that A n and S n are not split extensions by these normal subgroups, by showing that any such complement if (...)
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    Oromo Dictionary.Alan S. Kaye & Gene B. Gragg - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (4):812.
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    East and West: Selected Writings in Linguistics by Haiim B. Rosén. Part II, Hebrew and Semitic LinguisticsEast and West: Selected Writings in Linguistics by Haiim B. Rosen. Part II, Hebrew and Semitic Linguistics. [REVIEW]Alan S. Kaye, Haiim B. Rosén & Haiim B. Rosen - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (1):141.
  5. When Reasons Run Out.Jason Kay - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    Subjectivists about practical normativity hold that an agent’s favoring and disfavoring attitudes give rise to practical reasons. On this view, an agent’s normative reason to choose vanilla over chocolate ice cream ultimately turns on facts about what appeals to her rather than facts about what her options are like attitude-independently. Objectivists—who ground reasons in the attitude-independent features of the things we aim at—owe us an explanation of why it is rational to choose what we favor, if not because favoring is (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Leonard Nelson und die Naturwissenschaften.Kay Herrmann - 2000 - In Berger Armin, Schroth Jörg & Raupach-Strey Gisela, Leonard Nelson – ein früher Denker der analytischen Philosophie? Ein Symposium zum 80. Todestag des Göttinger Philosophen, Berlin [u. a.]. Berlin: LIT Verlag Münster. pp. 169–191.
    Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Logik waren für Nelson von zentraler Bedeutung. Er pflegte bereits als Jugendlicher intensive Kontakte zu Naturwissenschaftlern und Mathematikern. Dadurch erhielt er Anregungen, die von Anfang an seine philosophischen Ansätze beeinflussten. Inspiriert von der Kant-Fries’schen Philosophie und der Axiomatik der Mathematik, konzipierte Nelson seine Philosophie als exakte Wissenschaft. Wie Kant und Fries betrachtete Nelson die Suche nach den allgemeinen Prinzipien der Naturwissenschaften als Hauptaufgabe der Naturphilosophie. Ergebnis dieser kritischen Analyse ist ein System von metaphysischen Grundsätzen der Naturwissenschaft. Nelson (...)
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  7. Umweltmanagement im Fadenkreuz des Homo oeconomicus.Kay Herrmann - 2016 - GRIN Verlag.
    Umweltmanagementsystems wird heute als eine Grundvoraussetzung vieler moderner Wirtschaftsunternehmen betrachtet. Bis in die 1980er Jahre dominierten Maßnahmen des nachsorgenden Umweltschutzes (End-of-the-Pipe-Technologien). Ab den 1990er Jahren verschob sich der Schwerpunkt hin zum vorsorgenden Umweltschutz. Hintergrund war das Aufkommen von Umweltmanagementsystemen. -/- Vernünftiges wirtschaftliches Handeln erfolgt unter den Bedingungen knapper Mittel zur Erreichung wirtschaftlicher Ziele (z. B. Nutzenmaximierung beim privaten Haushalt, Gewinnmaximierung beim Unternehmen). Dieser Grundsatz findet seinen Ausdruck im sogenannten Ökonomischen Prinzip. Das Ökonomische Prinzip (auch Wirtschaftlichkeitsprinzip) stellt auf ein möglichst günstiges (...)
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  8. The Normative Insignificance of the Will.Jason Kay - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies.
    The fact that I am a committed gardener has some practical upshot or other. But what, exactly, is the upshot of the fact that I am committed to some project, person, or principle? According to a standard view, my commitment to gardening directly effects a change in the normative facts by giving me a further reason to garden. I argue that we should reject this view and its attendant psychological story involving a normatively significant will. According to the view I (...)
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    On Interpretations of Arithmetic and Set Theory.Richard Kaye & Tin Lok Wong - 2007 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 48 (4):497-510.
    This paper starts by investigating Ackermann's interpretation of finite set theory in the natural numbers. We give a formal version of this interpretation from Peano arithmetic (PA) to Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the infinity axiom negated (ZF−inf) and provide an inverse interpretation going the other way. In particular, we emphasize the precise axiomatization of our set theory that is required and point out the necessity of the axiom of transitive containment or (equivalently) the axiom scheme of ∈-induction. This clarifies the (...)
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    Codes of ethics in australian business corporations.Bruce N. Kaye - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (11):857-862.
    Current debate on business ethics in Australia continues apace as the excesses of the 1980s are exposed. Codes of Ethics have been a high profile instrument in the American business scene. A survey of Australia''s largest business corporations reveals a different situation. Codes are not as commonly used, tend to refer to legal requirements and do not have as high a profile within the corporation. Given the changing legal framework in Australia a greater role for Codes of Ethics may emerge.
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    On parameter free induction schemas.R. Kaye, J. Paris & C. Dimitracopoulos - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (4):1082-1097.
    We present a comprehensive study of the axiom schemas IΣ - n , BΣ - n (induction and collection schemas for parameter free Σ n formulas) and some closely related schemas.
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  12. The epistemic features of group belief.Kay Mathiesen - 2006 - Episteme 2 (3):161-175.
    Recently, there has been a debate focusing on the question of whether groups can literally have beliefs. For the purposes of epistemology, however, the key question is whether groups can have knowledge. More specifi cally, the question is whether “group views” can have the key epistemic features of belief, viz., aiming at truth and being epistemically rational. I argue that, while groups may not have beliefs in the full sense of the word, group views can have these key epistemic features (...)
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  13.  35
    Ethical implications of the use of whole genome methods in medical research.Jane Kaye, Paula Boddington, Jantina de Vries, Naomi Hawkins & Karen Melham - unknown
    The use of genome-wide association studies in medical research and the increased ability to share data give a new twist to some of the perennial ethical issues associated with genomic research. GWAS create particular challenges because they produce fine, detailed, genotype information at high resolution, and the results of more focused studies can potentially be used to determine genetic variation for a wide range of conditions and traits. The information from a GWA scan is derived from DNA that is a (...)
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    Felix Klein, Sophus Lie, contact transformations, and connexes.L. D. Kay - 2023 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 77 (4):373-391.
    Much of the mathematics with which Felix Klein and Sophus Lie are now associated (Klein’s Erlangen Program and Lie’s theory of transformation groups) is rooted in ideas they developed in their early work: the consideration of geometric objects or properties preserved by systems of transformations. As early as 1870, Lie studied particular examples of what he later called contact transformations, which preserve tangency and which came to play a crucial role in his systematic study of transformation groups and differential equations. (...)
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    Science [ne] imperialism: There are nontrivial constraints on color naming.Paul Kay & Brent Berlin - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):196-201.
    Saunders & van Brakel's claim that Berlin and Kay (1969) assumed a language/vision correlation in the area of color categorization and disguised this assumption as a finding is shown to be false. The methodology of the World Color Survey, now nearing completion, is discussed and the possibility of an additional language/vision correlation in color categorization is suggested.
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    Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982.Herrmann Kay (ed.) - 2019 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    This publication is an appreciation of the natural philosophy and epistemology of the philosopher Grete (Henry-)Hermann. A student of the mathematician Emmy Noether and the philosopher Leonard Nelson, she was one of the early interpreters of quantum mechanics. Werner Heisenberg memorialized her in his book "The Part and the Whole". For the first time, her writings on natural philosophy and epistemology are collected in one volume. An extensive introduction by various authors introduces the work of Grete Henry-Hermann. This edition is (...)
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  17. The languages of thought.Lawrence J. Kaye - 1995 - Philosophy of Science 62 (1):92-110.
    I critically explore various forms of the language of thought (LOT) hypothesis. Many considerations, including the complexity of representational content and the systematicity of language understanding, support the view that some, but not all, of our mental representations occur in a language. I examine several arguments concerning sententialism and the propositional attitudes, Fodor's arguments concerning infant and animal thought, and Fodor's argument for radical concept nativism and show that none of these considerations require us to postulate a LOT that is (...)
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  18. Who Wrote the Book of Life? Information and the Transformation of Molecular Biology, 1945–55.Lily E. Kay - 1995 - Science in Context 8 (4):609-634.
    The ArgumentThis paper focuses on the opening of a discursive space: the emergence of informational and scriptural representations of life and their self-negating consequences for the construction of biological meaning. It probes the notion of writing and the book of life and shows how molecular biology's claims to a status of language and texuality undermines its own objective of control. These textual significations were historically contingent. The informational representations of heredity and life were not an outcome of the internal cognitive (...)
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  19.  76
    Responsibility, Reflection, and Rational Ability.Dana Kay Nelkin - 2020 - The Monist 103 (3):294-311.
    This paper takes as its starting point the thesis that one is responsible for one’s actions insofar as one has the ability to act for good reasons. Such a view faces a challenge: it is plausible that only beings with the ability to reflect are responsible agents, and yet it seems that not only is it possible to act for reasons without reflecting, it seems to happen quite frequently. Thus, advocates of the rational-ability view of responsibility must either reject as (...)
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    Diophantine Induction.Richard Kaye - 1990 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 46 (1):1-40.
    We show that Matijasevič's Theorem on the diophantine representation of r.e. predicates is provable in the subsystem I ∃ - 1 of Peano Arithmetic formed by restricting the induction scheme to diophantine formulas with no parameters. More specifically, I ∃ - 1 ⊢ IE - 1 + E ⊢ Matijasevič's Theorem where IE - 1 is the scheme of parameter-free bounded existential induction and E is an ∀∃ axiom expressing the existence of a function of exponential growth. We conclude by (...)
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  21.  63
    Aboriginal overkill.Charles E. Kay - 1994 - Human Nature 5 (4):359-398.
    Prior to European influence, predation by Native Americans was the major factor limiting the numbers and distribution of ungulates in the Intermountain West. This hypothesis is based on analyses of (1) the efficiency of Native American predation, including cooperative hunting, use of dogs, food storage, use of nonungulate foods, and hunting methods; (2) optimal-foraging studies; (3) tribal territory boundary zones as prey reservoirs; (4) species ratios, and sex and age of aboriginal ungulate kills; (5) impact of European diseases on aboriginal (...)
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    Debilitating Times: Compulsory Ablebodiedness and White Privilege in theory and Practice.Kay Inckle - 2015 - Feminist Review 111 (1):42-58.
    In this paper I take up a critical position in regard to the theme of debility around which this collection is framed. I argue that theorisations of ‘debility’ do little to progress theory and policy in regard to disability and share many of the problems inherent to the social model. I also suggest that the theorisation of debility is rooted in and reinforces ablebodied privilege. I begin with a critical analysis of the social model of disability and explore the dualisms (...)
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    Making Different Differences: Representation and Rights in Sexuality Activism.Kay Lalor - 2015 - Feminist Legal Studies 23 (1):7-25.
    This paper argues that current iterations of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex rights are limited by an overreliance on particular representations of sexuality, in which homosexuality is defined negatively through a binary of homosexual/heterosexual. The limits of these representations are explored in order to unpick the possibility of engaging in a form of sexuality politics that is grounded in difference rather than in sameness or opposition. The paper seeks to respond to Braidotti’s call for an “affirmative politics” that is (...)
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  24.  49
    Nature is Already Sacred.Kay Milton - 1999 - Environmental Values 8 (4):437-449.
    Environmentalists often argue that, in order to address fundamentally the harmful impact of their activities on the environment, western industrial societies need to change their attitude to nature. Specifically, they need to see nature as sacred, and to acknowledge that humanity is a part of nature rather than separate from it. In this paper, I seek to show that these tow ideas are incompatible in the context of western culture. Drawing particularly on ideas expressed by western conservationists, I argue that (...)
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  25. Human Rights for the Digital Age.Kay Mathiesen - 2014 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 29 (1):2-18.
    Human rights are those legal and/or moral rights that all persons have simply as persons. In the current digital age, human rights are increasingly being either fulfilled or violated in the online environment. In this article, I provide a way of conceptualizing the relationships between human rights and information technology. I do so by pointing out a number of misunderstandings of human rights evident in Vinton Cerf's recent argument that there is no human right to the Internet. I claim that (...)
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    Commutative regular rings and Boolean-valued fields.Kay Smith - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (1):281-297.
    In this paper we present an equivalence between the category of commutative regular rings and the category of Boolean-valued fields, i.e., Boolean-valued sets for which the field axioms are true. The author used this equivalence in [12] to develop a Galois theory for commutative regular rings. Here we apply the equivalence to give an alternative construction of an algebraic closure for any commutative regular ring.Boolean-valued sets were developed in 1965 by Scott and Solovay [10] to simplify independence proofs in set (...)
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    Domain Experts on Dementia-Care Technologies: Mitigating Risk in Design and Implementation.Jeffrey Kaye, George Demiris & Clara Berridge - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (1):1-24.
    There is an urgent need to learn how to appropriately integrate technologies into dementia care. The aims of this Delphi study were to project which technologies will be most prevalent in dementia care in five years, articulate potential benefits and risks, and identify specific options to mitigate risks. Participants were also asked to identify technologies that are most likely to cause value tensions and thus most warrant a conversation with an older person with mild dementia when families are deciding about (...)
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    Challenging certainty: The utility and history of counterfactualism.Simon T. Kaye - 2010 - History and Theory 49 (1):38-57.
    Counterfactualism is a useful process for historians as a thought-experiment because it offers grounds to challenge an unfortunate contemporary historical mindset of assumed, deterministic certainty. This article suggests that the methodological value of counterfactualism may be understood in terms of the three categories of common ahistorical errors that it may help to prevent: the assumptions of indispensability, causality, and inevitability. To support this claim, I survey a series of key counterfactual works and reflections on counterfactualism, arguing that the practice of (...)
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    Spinoza on the parts of God.Kay Malte Bischof - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    I defend Spinoza's claim that extension is an attribute that an indivisible substance, such as God, could have. However, in order to explain why, we must abandon two long held orthodoxies in Spinoza scholarship. First, Spinoza acknowledges only parts that do not depend on their whole. Second, God, considered as natura naturans, has no parts of any kind. Against these orthodoxies, I show that having parts which depend on their whole, for Spinoza, does not entail divisibility and that God, considered (...)
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    La toma de decisiones en la atención de la salud mental: el papel del cuidador.Kay Wilhelm - 2020 - Medicina y Ética 31 (4):955-974.
    Este artículo establece un marco para considerar los aspectos éticos relacionados con el tratamiento involuntario en personas con: a) una discapacidad intelectual o del desarrollo; b) un impedimento neurológico progresivo, y c) un estado mental comprometido desde el punto de vista del cuidador. Los diferentes momentos de decision de los tres grupos se describen aquí, así como los impactos potenciales en los cuidadores respecto de las decisiones de los pacientes.Mientras hay algunos aspectos de las capacidades que pueden variar entre estos (...)
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  31. Concepts of nature in the hebrew bible.Jeanne Kay - 1988 - Environmental Ethics 10 (4):309-327.
    The lack of resolution in the debate about the Bible’s environmental despotism or stewardship may be resolved by more literal and literary approaches. When the Bible is examined in its own terms, rather than in those of current environmentalism, the Bible’s own perspectives on nature and human ecology emerge. The Hebrew Bible’s principal environmental theme is of nature’s assistance in divine retribution. The Bible’s frequent deployment of contradiction as a literary device, however, tempers this perspective to present amoral, yet multi-sided (...)
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  32. The computational account of belief.Lawrence J. Kaye - 1994 - Erkenntnis 40 (2):137-53.
    Fodor and others who think that scientific, computational psychology will vindicate commonsense belief-desire psychology have maintained that belief can be identified with the explicit storage of a token with appropriate content. I review and develop problems for the explicit storage view and show that a more plausible account identifies belief with the disposition to use a token with appropriate content in explicit reasoning and planning processes and as a basis for action. I argue that this type of inner disposition account (...)
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    Suffering Existence: Nonhuman Animals and Ethics.Kay Peggs & Barry Smart - 2018 - In Andrew Linzey & Clair Linzey, The Palgrave Handbook of Practical Animal Ethics. London: Palgrave Macmillan Uk. pp. 419-443.
    This chapter explores critically ethical concerns arising from forms of suffering to which domesticated nonhuman animals are subjected in scientific instruction and research and within the industrial-factory-farm-food complex, as well as other contexts. Consideration is given to the views of Arthur Schopenhauer on suffering, René Descartes’s designation of ontological differences between human and non-human animals, and Donna Haraway’s reconfiguration of the relationship between human and nonhuman animals in scientific laboratory settings. Proceeding from a discussion of David Benatar’s “antinatalist” views the (...)
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  34. The Internet, children, and privacy: the case against parental monitoring.Kay Mathiesen - 2013 - Ethics and Information Technology 15 (4):263-274.
    It has been recommended that parents should monitor their children’s Internet use, including what sites their children visit, what messages they receive, and what they post. In this paper, I claim that parents ought not to follow this advice, because to do so would violate children’s right to privacy over their on-line information exchanges. In defense of this claim, I argue that children have a right to privacy from their parents, because such a right respects their current capacities and fosters (...)
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  35. Umweltmanagement und Rationalität. Der Schatten von VW: Betrieblicher Umweltschutz auf dem Prüfstand.Kay Herrmann - 2017 - WiSt 4 (2017):47-49.
    Economic pressures, mounting environmental, security and health requirements, are all critical factors that shape economic action. With regard to environmental protection, an economic entity acting as homo oeconomicus finds himself in a situation resembling a prisoner’s dilemma. Signposts for a possible resolution of this dilemma include an environmental management system, a system of environmental law based on the principles of environmental ethics, and a new conception of human nature.
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    Thomas Paine and the promise of America.Harvey J. Kaye - 2005 - New York: Hill & Wang.
    America’s unfinished revolution The_revolutionary spirit that runs through American history and whose_founding_father and greatest advocate was Thomas Paine is fiercely traced in Thomas Paine and the Promise of America ._Showing how Paine turned Americans into radicals—and how we have remained radicals at heart ever since—Harvey J. Kaye presents the nation’s democratic story with wit, subtlety, and, above all, passion. Paine was one of the most remarkable political writers of the modern world and the greatest radical of a radical age._Through writings (...)
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  37. From genomic databases to translation: a call to action.B. M. Knoppers, J. R. Harris, P. R. Burton, M. Murtagh, D. Cox, M. Deschenes, I. Fortier, T. J. Hudson, J. Kaye & K. Lindpaintner - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (8):515-516.
    The rapid rise of international collaborative science has enabled access to genomic data. In this article, it is argued that to move beyond mapping genomic variation to understanding its role in complex disease aetiology and treatment will require extending data sharing for the purposes of clinical research translation and implementation.
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  38. Are most of our concepts innate?Lawrence J. Kaye - 1993 - Synthese 95 (2):187-217.
    Fodor has argued that, because concept acquisition relies on the use of concepts already possessed by the learner, all concepts that cannot be definitionally reduced are innate. Since very few reductive definitions are available, it appears that most concepts are innate. After noting the reasons why we find such radical concept nativism implausible, I explicate Fodor's argument, showing that anyone who is committed to mentalistic explanation should take it seriously. Three attempts at avoiding the conclusion are examined and found to (...)
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    Abstract Labour and Capital.Geoffrey Kay - 1999 - Historical Materialism 5 (1):255-280.
    As soon as he had observed labour to be ‘first of all, a process between man and nature', Marx turned to conscious determination. ‘Man not only affects a change of form in the materials of nature, he also realises his own purpose in these materials. And this is a purpose he is conscious of. It is purpose which distinguishes labour from the activities of animals. Marx called the purposive character of labour ‘an exclusively human characteristic’ and the term indicates its (...)
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    Shaping Public Perception: Polish Illustrated Press and the Image of Polish Naturalists Working in Latin America, 1844–1885.Aleksandra Kaye - 2023 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 46 (2-3):158-180.
    This article will investigate the ways in which Polish illustrated press contributed to communicating and reporting the work of Polish émigré naturalists working in Latin America to the Polish general public living in the Prussian, Russian and Austrian partitions of the Polish‐Lithuanian Commonwealth 1844–1885. It examines the ways in which illustrations were used to shape the public's opinion about the significance of these migrants’ scientific achievements. The Polish illustrated press, its authors and editors were instrumental in shaping the public's perceptions (...)
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    Culture in transnational Interaction: how Organizational Partners Coproduce Sesame Street.Tamara Kay - 2023 - Theory and Society 52 (4):711-737.
    Given the extraordinary politicization of culture in an era of globalization, it is surprising that Sesame Street has gained acceptance and legitimacy in more than fifty countries during the last five decades. Sesame Street’s ubiquity around the world presents us with the question I address in this article: how do partner organizations work together, on the ground, to locally adapt a hybrid cultural product? Using data from real-time interactions between NY staff and partners, I show how teams from different cultures (...)
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    Embodied empathy‐in‐action: overweight nurses’ experiences of their interactions with overweight patients.Kay Aranda & Debbie McGreevy - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (1):30-38.
    Obesity is now commonly recognised to be a significant public health issue worldwide with its increasing prevalence frequently described as a global epidemic. In the United Kingdom, primary care nurses are responsible for weight management through the provision of healthy eating advice and support with lifestyle change. However, nurses themselves are not immune to the persistent and pervasive global levels of weight gain. Drawing on a Gadamerian informed phenomenological study of female primary care nurses in England, this paper considers the (...)
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    The Aesthetics of Agency in Kant and Schiller.Antón Barba-Kay - 2016 - Idealistic Studies 46 (3):259-275.
    One of the lasting influences of German Idealism has been the transformation of aesthetics into a central philosophical concern. My aim here is to show how and why Kant’s and Schiller’s formulations of the problems of moral agency, in particular, constitute an important episode of this development. I argue, first, that it is in the context of Kant’s view of moral agency that aesthetics gains larger purchase than it formerly had (as a response to the problem of the identification of (...)
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    Justice System Reform and Legal Ethics in Japan.Kay-Wah Chan - 2011 - Legal Ethics 14 (1):73-108.
    Justice system reform is being implemented in Japan. The number of attorneys ( bengoshi ) has substantially increased and concerns have been raised about the impact on the profession's quality and ethics. The profession has called for a slowdown in the increase. Does the increase really adversely affect legal ethics in Japan? Should the pace of the reform be slowed down, from the perspective of maintaining legal ethics? This paper begins to answer these questions through empirical analysis of (1) whether (...)
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  45. Faszination Zeitreisen.Kay Herrmann - 2014 - Universitätsverlag Chemnitz.
    The question of time travel stimulates the imagination and provides material for whimsical stories. A work on the topic of "time travel" forces us to deal with the concept of "time". The complexity and the antinomic character of this concept make it difficult to grasp "time" more precisely. We encounter time as a form of perception in its deeply subjective aspect, as a biological rhythm, as a social phenomenon in the sense of a collective determination of time, but also as (...)
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  46. Vor dem Starten ankommen. Über Zeitreisen und Warp-Antriebe.Kay Herrmann - 2016 - Universitätsverlag Chemnitz.
    The question of time travel stimulates the imagination and provides material for whimsical stories. A work on the topic of "time travel" forces us to deal with the concept of "time". The complexity and the antinomic character of this concept make it difficult to grasp "time" more precisely. We encounter time as a form of perception in its deeply subjective aspect, as a biological rhythm, as a social phenomenon in the sense of a collective determination of time, but also as (...)
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  47.  45
    Big Thinkers and Big Ideas: An Introduction to Eastern and Western Philosophy for Kids.Sharon Kaye - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Rockridge Press.
    Philosophy is both fun and good for kids’ brains, as it encourages them to think deeply and develop their own solutions to complex problems. With this colorful book about philosophy for kids, they’ll learn all about introductory concepts and important thinkers in a way that’s fun and approachable, but still in-depth and substantial. -/- In this book, your child will explore questions like: “What is real?”, “How do I know something is true?”, “How can I be a good person?”, and (...)
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    Barriers to Gender Equality in the Canadian Legal Establishment.Fiona M. Kay & Joan Brockman - 2000 - Feminist Legal Studies 8 (2):169-198.
    In this paper we trace the historical exclusion of women from the legal profession in Canada. We examine women’s efforts to gain entry to law practice and their progress through the last century. The battle to gain entry to this exclusive profession took place on many fronts: in the courts, government legislature, public debate and media, and behind the closed doors of the law societies. After formal barriers to entry were dismantled, women continued to confront formidable barriers through overt and (...)
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    Circulating Air: Inspiration, Voice and Soul in Poetry and Song.Sarah Kay - 2018 - Paragraph 41 (1):10-25.
    This paper proposes an alternative view to the influential one of air or breath as inspiration that produces an imagined inner vision of the desired object. Instead, it outlines a poetics where air and inspiration connect with voice, language and music, thereby privileging sound over sight. A genealogy for this account is traced through Aristotle and various treatises connected to him, and an example of its operation is discussed in a song by the troubadour Bernart Marti. Voice is theorized as (...)
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    Descartes and Nietzsche on the Soul of Man and Life-Everlasting.David Kaye - 2016 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (1):85-126.
    In this work I defend, not the content, but, rather, the logical coherence of Descartes’s system by insisting on the ontological priority of substance over attributes in spite of the fact that Descartes seems, on occasion, to suggest otherwise. This, in turn, however, allows us to better grasp the nature of Descartes’ Augustinian conception of the soul, and what it might resemble should it be granted God’s concurrence, and, thus, eternal life. At the same time, I demonstrate, by means of (...)
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